The Australia-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry
of New South Wales







Email addresses for major global institutions:

World Trade Organisation: http://www.wto.org/.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): http://www.unctad.org/Templates/StartPage.asp?intItemID=2068.

G20: Links to all G20 summit communiqués are available at: http://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/g20/index.html.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat: http://www.apec.org/.

Email contacts for counterpart bilateral departments:

Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: http://www.dfat.gov.au.

China’s Ministry of Commerce: http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/
The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for administering China's foreign trade, economic cooperation and foreign investment.  The Website contains news, policies and related resources.

Recent Media Releases and Commentaries on Global Institutions


International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, “WTO DG Lamy on Doha: It’s the Final Countdown”, Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest, Vol. 14, No. 42, 1 December 2010.  Available at: http://ictsd.org/i/news/bridgesweekly/97440/.

20.10.2010 was declared World Statistic Day by the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation used that “magic-number date” to release International Trade Statistics 2010, World Tariff Profiles 2010 and Trade Profiles 2010.  Available at: http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news10_e/stat_20oct10_e.htm.

WTO reported on 1 December 2010 that growth in world trade slowed in the third quarter of 2010.  Details are available at: http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news10_e/stts_01dec10_e.htm.

Other trade data from the WTO can be obtained at: http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/statis_e.htm.


A handbook is available to provide, in a consolidated and concise form, information regarding the tariff advantages available to developing countries under the scheme of generalised preferences of Australia, and the conditions under which goods may qualify for preferential treatment on importation into Australia.  Available at: http://www.unctad.org/templates/Page.asp?intItemID=1423&lang=1.

An overview of the “Trade and Development Report 2010” is available at: http://www.unctad.org/Templates/webflyer.asp?docid=13740&intItemID=2874&lang=1.


Refer to http://www.accci.com.au/G20.htm.


APEC released 2010 progress reports on trade and economic policy on 11 November 2010.  Media release is available at: http://www.apec.org/Press/News-Releases/2010/1111_progressreports.

An assessment of achievements of the Bogor Goals in 2010 is available from the APEC meeting in Yokohama at: http://www.apec.org/en/About-Us/About-APEC/Achievements-and-Benefits/2010-Bogor-Goals.aspx.

For those who are not familiar with the APEC Business Travel Card Scheme, details are availagle at http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/business/apec.