The Australia-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New South Wales





ACCCI since its founding discussions during 1974-76 has had a commitment to activism based on a number of principles including Sydney as the financial capital of Australasia, mandatory participation by member companies in Chamber Projects, the Key Cities approach to China, promotion of SME through bilateral business organisations, engagement with political parties/policies, involvement of academia in practical research projects, and support for international norms and standards of behaviour. The Chamber has never been a 'Talk Shop'.

However at various periods over the last 35 years since September 1976 Chamber has sponsored Seminars, Forums and Workshops and obviously participated in many throughout Australia, China and the World. During 1990-91 ACCCI in association with the UNSW organised 12 seminars at the NSW Parliament on China and Global Trends covering all regions of the world. In 1995/96 our directions were given more focus with the publication of the ACCCI Blue and Green Booklets and again with the Chinese language publication of 'Invest Australia' during 2008. Essentially these functions are designed as Workshops for internal discussion by ACCCI Policy Committees and Forums for external promotion of ACCCI Special Projects. The general areas covered have remained consistent in terms of the implications for Australia re:

Urbanisation - Employment and Services in China and the World

Rural Industries - Feeding and Powering China and the World

Infrastructure - Linking and Supplying China domestically and internationally

Culture - China's Public/Private Divide, Soft Power and Peoples' Expression


Policy statement about annual forums (including a map of provinces in China):

in portable document format (PDF)

in Microsoft Word

First Agriculture Forum (November 2002):

in standard Internet format with photographs

Second Agriculture Forum (November 2003):

in standard Internet format with index of speeches


ACCCI Workshop 7 March 2011

China’s Future Development: Demographic Trends and Challenges

Abstract of Workshop Presenter,
Professor Zhangwei Zhao

One of the most significant socio-demographic changes in the past century was the demographic transition. In comparison with many developed countries, China’s demographic transition started later, but with a faster speed. Mortality remained high in China in the first half of the 20th century, when the life expectancy at birth was lower than 35 years, but it has now reached 74 years. While China’s total fertility was still close to 6 children per woman in the late 1960s, it fell below replacement in the early 1990s and is now around 1.5 children per woman.

China’s demographic transition has brought about significant changes in the size and structure of the population and will considerably influence their future trends. While socio-economic development often faces many great uncertainties, China’s future demographic changes, especially those in the next quarter of a century are more predictable. These changes will provide a demographic backdrop for and have significant impacts on China’s future social economic development.

This presentation will systematically discuss China’s major demographic trends such as: further increase in total population, changes in age structure of the population and population ageing, large scale migration and rapid urbanization, the role and influence of population momentum, and their impacts on future society, economic growth and people’s life.

Related information:

Bob Davis, “China’s Ranking as World’s No. 2 Economy Built on Population”, The Wall Street Journal, 14 February 2011.  Available at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/news/chinas-ranking-as-worlds-no2-economy-built-on-population/story-e6frg90x-1226005717649.



Annabel Hepworth, “Call for National Ports Plan”, The Australian, 12 July 2010.  Available at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/industry-sectors/call-for-national-ports-plan/story-e6frg97o-1225890489004.

Mark Davis and Ari Sharp, “Telstra Joint Broadband Revolution in $11b Makeover”, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 June 2010.  Available at: http://www.smh.com.au/business/telstra-joins-broadband-revolution-in-11b-makeover-20100620-ypcs.html

Michael Pascoe, “The Telstra Deal: Spin Over Substance”, The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 June 2010.  Available at: http://www.smh.com.au/business/the-telstra-deal-spin-over-substance-20100621-ypk7.html.

Asher Moses, “Obama Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Proposed”, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 June 2010.  Available at: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/obama-internet-kill-switch-proposed-20100618-yln6.html?autostart=1.

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